New Study on Equity of EV Ownership

New Study on Equity of EV Ownership

A study published by NREL on October 27, 2021

“There's No Place Like Home: Residential Parking, Electrical Access, and Implications for the Future of Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure” is the title of a research study published by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory at the end of last month, which takes a deep look at equity aspects of the charging infrastructure and how these affect the current and the projected rates of adoption of EVs.

The report provides insight into potential roadblocks for residential charging access and brings to attention opportunities to improve residential charging access as markets evolve. Some of the opportunities highlighted are the inclusion of consumer education, investment in residential infrastructure at single- and multi-family homes, behavior-change opportunities to take advantage of residential parking locations with convenient electrical access and sharing of residential infrastructure within multi-vehicle households. For example, the chart below, included in the study, shows income distribution of the sample and the U.S. population.

The authors discuss the fact that future results are projected based on historic data and such information is limited because the adoption of plug-in electric vehicles is at an early stage. Also uncertain are the evolution of construction trends, urbanization trends, and other factors which can quickly impact the type of electric vehicle ownership. 

Once again, great information from NREL in a study highlighted on the laboratory’s website, and accessible in full here.

Ge, Yanbo, Christina Simeone, Andrew Duvall, and Eric Wood. 2021. There's No Place Like Home: Residential Parking, Electrical Access, and Implications for the Future of Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure. Golden, CO: National Renewable Energy Laboratory. NREL/TP-5400-81065.








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